de Saint-Laurent

Cet établissement vous intéresse?
Cégep de
The Saint-Laurent Cegep stands out in several respects: it is the only French-language college in an urban setting established on a real campus. With a population of approximately 3,500 students in regular education and 1,500 students in continuing education, it offers several opportunities for learning and activities while maintaining a human scale. In addition, the presence of the arts on campus and the specializations in sciences attract students who are creative, mobilized and with a diversified profile. Research in science, and more particularly in the field of water, as well as creativity and innovation in arts programs are identified as the Cegep’s historical niches.

Address of
625 Sainte-Croix Avenue,
Montreal, Quebec
H4L 3X7
Cégep de Saint-Laurent
625 Sainte Croix Ave, Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 3X7, Canada
Study programs at Cégep de Saint-Laurent
As you can see, there are many technical and pre-university programs available to you. Take the time to review them to decide which one best suits your interests.
Design, Graphic Communications and Architecture
Education and Social Sciences
Natural and Health Sciences
Arts, Literature and Communications, Music, Dance, Visual Arts
Double DCS
Arts, literature & communication and music
Humanities and arts, literature & communication
Humanities and dance
Humanities and visual arts
Humanities and music
Natural sciences and arts, literature & communication
Natural sciences and dance
Natural sciences and visual arts
Natural sciences and music